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Case Study
Kyle Green, host and Executive Producer of The Green Way Outdoors, @thegreenwayoutdoors approached me with the mission to create a logo for his TV program. He wanted something that represented faith, using green, and something Under Armour-esque. I was off to work!
A compass, signifying the outdoors and purposely pointing the needle due north to the “A” in “way”. Perfectly aligning this cleverly showcases the importance of the show’s mission and Green’s faithful mission as a servant of our Lord always pointing North. The logo turned out to be the perfect representation of what he was looking for! Staying true to the mission and values in which he lives his life—the green way.
The Green Way Outdoors
Michigan, USA
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“To promote and protect outdoor heritage and conservation through educating, inspiring, entertaining, and simplifying outdoor activities to increase participation for both novice and experience styled outdoorsmen while demonstrating respect and wholesome values for the blessing and beauty of the natural world.”
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